Ishmael and Abraham (Staying Out of the Fray; Dealing with Turmoil)
[I am just learning to channel. As part of my learning practice, I chose to have conversations with particular members of the Company of Heaven. What follows are excerpts from these conversations with the portions which pertain only to removed. What remains are messages I believe are useful to all. Enjoy! — Rob]
Conversation with Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar, May 2022
Rob: Ishmael, I understand you are considered a foundational figure in the world of Islam. That part of the world [i.e. the Middle East] is in such turmoil these days. Any words of guidance?
Ishmael: Stay out of the fray. What is happening now has to happen. There are centuries, or even millennia, of negative feelings that all have to come out. There is no right or wrong. So much of it is misunderstandings, that has nothing to do with the truth.
What’s happening in that part of the world is a lesson for everyone. We all have similar turmoils, internal [to ourselves]. Let it out but don’t attach to it. Let go of the dogmas of old beliefs. Send your light and love to that region, just as you should send the light and love to Ukraine.
Rob: Ishmael, I read a little of the history as recorded in the Bible of the events of your life. Why such turmoil from the beginning? It was predicted. God told Abraham it would be that way.
Ishmael: I was serving a role. All that was part of the unfoldment of the grander plan. So, again, don’t attach any thoughts of what is right, what is wrong. Most living in the world have no idea what the larger plan is … or only [have] inklings of it.
You don’t know what the roles are that everyone is fulfilling. There’s a purpose behind much of it. So don’t attach to one side or the other. Allow it all to happen. And send the light; send the love; be the lighthouse that you are.
Conversation with Abraham, father of Ishmael and Israel, May 2022

Rob: Good morning, Abraham, it’s with the utmost veneration and respect I ask you to talk with me today. Thank you for meeting with me. You are considered the father of the nation that ultimately became Israel, as you were promised to be fruitful and multiply. Such responsibility! How does one deal with that?
Abraham: Thank you for inviting me, Rob. Yes, it was a tremendous responsibility. But in that promise was such joy! It’s a promise of such fulfillment of mattering in the world, of having an impact in the world and knowing what your role would be. How did I deal with that? I had prayed on that asking for blessings for a very long time.
And yes, back then it was much more difficult than it is today. Not difficult. In some respects it was easier. Life was not as chaotic. We had far more what you consider downtime. But it required far more spiritual discipline to have these kind of conversations. And one deals with it with the realization that one is far, far more powerful than you give yourself credit. As a child of God, how could you NOT deal with that effectively? You have the full power of God and the company of Heaven behind you. How could you be anything but successful?
Rob: I can see that point, Abraham. So also in your life there was a bit of turmoil. I spoke to Ishmael. That situation must have been very chaotic and difficult for you, causing some amount of divided loyalties. How did you deal with that?
Abraham: Yes, Rob. That caused a lot of internal turmoil. I loved my wife. She suggested I have a child with Hagar. At first, I didn’t want to, but then it became a point of excitement [of] the possibilities. And when Ishmael was born, he was my son. Of course I loved him. I wanted the best for him. When Sara became pregnant, and we knew there was going to be another son, it caused much turmoil. It may sound as if Sarah was jealous, expressing emotions of a lower vibration. And perhaps there was some of that. But also there were constraints based on the customs at the time. A child born in wedlock always had precedent over a child born to a slave. It’s just the way it was. The turmoil in me was in my mind — there wasn’t much of a difference. They were both my sons. I loved them both. But customs dictated that Sarah’s son receive everything. That was hurtful. That was difficult to tell Ishmael, to make Ishmael feel less than. That was not my desire, not my intent. But that’s what happened. It caused me much difficulty, but, at the end of the day, it was all part of the plan.
They’ve caused the divided peoples in the Middle East. That was envisioned by the Mother. The intent was not to cause strife, but there was a bigger plan at play. We were playing our roles. Ishmael has told you that. But it’s all coming to fruition now. The reunification is happening as we speak. It may not appear that way on the outside, but it is happening.
Rob: I understand, Abraham. So to the point of why are you one of my guides. I am honored that it is so, but I’m curious. What are the attributes that you have to teach me?
Abraham: It is the sense of leadership and responsibility, but also the sense of knowing that you have a much grander purpose. But you are strong enough, smart enough, wise enough, to fulfill that plan.
You have learned to be a leader. And most importantly, you’ve learned what it means to be a leader. It isn’t about power. It’s about behaving in a way that others are drawn to you and want to follow you. Yes, there is some sense of followership based on the position that you hold. But that’s only the starting point. They don’t continue to follow you unless they deem you worthy.
Yes, there is judgment in that. Actually, it’s less judgment and more discernment. Everybody who is following you is constantly watching you for any flaws you might exhibit — makes them question why they should be following you. Stay pure in your heart, and you’ll be fine.
You have learned what it means to be a lighthouse. It’s the perfect metaphor. Others have said this as well.